Equality Rights group GGR - Citizenship in Democracy EQUALITY RIGHTS GGR

News and Information from Gibraltar on Equality, Human, Gay and Social Rights

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

"We need new Police law," says GGR

Equality Rights group GGR has welcomed news that a total of 8 police cars and vans will have CCTV cameras installed as part of measures to provide protection both for police officers and the public.

“We are certain that Police will be the first to applaud such measures since they offer a means to providing proof of conduct before the Courts the absence of which otherwise causes problems for them. Similarly, the vigilance of the cameras provides extra safeguards for individuals and we, as an organisation, welcome the cameras for both these reasons since we believe in the role of both the police and the citizen in this society.”

“However, Government needs to give serious consideration now to the introduction of legislation along the UK lines of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1998 (PACE). That Act in particular provides safeguards in the processing of individuals whilst in police custody. Similarly, by defining precisely the steps to be taken, it provides safeguards for police officers before the law. In Gibraltar we still have no such legislation, and local practice follows limited guidelines known as the Judges’ Rules.”

“Without a doubt, a lack of legislation along these lines in Gibraltar is the single most glaring example of our being behind the times with respect to applicable professional standards on issues touching on the interaction of the law with the individual citizen. GGR strongly urges all stakeholder professionals and interested civil society to press for this legislative step to be taken sooner rather than later.”