Equality Rights group GGR - Citizenship in Democracy EQUALITY RIGHTS GGR

News and Information from Gibraltar on Equality, Human, Gay and Social Rights

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

EU to consider Gib's unequal age of consent

The European Union is concerned at the discrepancy between Gibraltar’s unequal age of consent laws, according to Equality Rights group GGR. In a statement today, the group confirms that “discussions between the EU Commission and GGR have put on the table the whole issue of Gibraltar’s non-compliance with judgments from the European Court of Human Rights. Commissioner Frattini has expressed the view that such persuasive judgments are equally valid in one part of the European Union as in any other – including Gibraltar. GGR has therefore received assurances that the EU will be following up the tardiness of the Gibraltar Government in implementing the equalisation of this law on the Rock at the highest levels.”

For his part, Chairman Felix Alvarez has stated that “the EU’s reaction to this state of affairs is only natural given the fact that Mr Caruana’s desire to keep Gibraltar stuck in a backward time capsule with regards to the rights of Gibraltarian citizens is only looked at with dismay. We were told that the GSD would improve our international image instead, in our view, the facts tell a very different story.”