Equality Rights group GGR - Citizenship in Democracy EQUALITY RIGHTS GGR

News and Information from Gibraltar on Equality, Human, Gay and Social Rights

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Equality Rights Group (GGR) has today welcomed the recent decision taken by the La Linea local government to officially declare La Linea a  gay tolerant city.

'In Spanish, this carries the implication of acceptance of diversity perhaps more so than in English. The point is that with this unanimous and cross-party Motion being moved and approved, La Linea is signalling and opening the door to new commercial and employment opportunities in not only tourism and entertainment but in the wider marketplace. There is no reason at all why a new environment of Equality should not also present Commerce with opportunity.
'And we are also now looking forward to the launch very soon of Gibraltar's own independent initiative, too,' the statement continued. Chairman Felix Alvarez went on to reveal that GGR has recently approved the establishment of an independent Gibraltar initiative to be run by local entrepreneurs and to be known as 'Positive Business'.
"GGR welcomes this independent initiative which aims to bring niche commercial opportunities to Gibraltar's business sector, with the core aim of assisting the business community identify and best approach the new consumer trends - both local and foreign - and thus contribute to the Rock's economy.'